Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Surprise! Drug Policies in the UK are Retarded

Ever heard of Mephedrone? If you're from North America, probably not, but it's one of those interesting drugs you can buy online, legally. Up until last March, you could buy Mephedrone legally in the UK, but, predictably, the Advisory Council on the Misuse of Drugs (ACMD) fucked that one up.

Mephedrone is like a magickal combination of coke and ecstasy, except it's neither, so sniffing it is was perfectly lawful. For once, somewhere, it was okay to feel alert, euphoric, excited and stimulated. And like most things "legally" sold online it was "not for human consumption" and relabeled as something bland. The same way Spice is being called incense, Mephedrone was marketed as a fertilizer.

But if you consumed it anyway, you had quite a fun time. Now it's illegal for no reason other than to say, "Fuck you. You wanna get high through your nose? Go get some suspicious looking capsules from the street corner."

A bunch of members from the ACMD resigned after this whole debacle, basically saying, "This program couldn't get any more confusing and idiotic." After the ACMD (sorta) decriminalized marijuana and then recriminalized it again, making a fertilizer illegal almost seems intelligent.People will get high one way or another, so why couldn't they do it through the mail? If something went wrong, like with the poor kid who OD'ed on Mephedrone while smoking pot (something seems fishy about that story) at least they'd have someone to sue. If a drug hurts you, you can't sue a drug dealer because then you'll get locked up for using the drug in the first place. It's like drug laws don't actually protect you!

Just remember, if you get a boner too long, you can sue Viagra, but if you overdose and flop around on the bathroom floor, you can't get any retribution from the guy who cut your coke with dish soap.

The only good that's come of this so far is that people are unable to ignore the many holes in their government's drug policies, the biggest of which is, that we need them at all.

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